Restorative dentistry

Restorative dentistry

The main aim of restorative dentistry is to preserve as much of its own, yet undamaged, hard dental tissues. Simply put, your teeth will last as long as possible.

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The aim of restorative dentistry is the treatment of dental caries, mechanical damage (for example as a result of an injury) and, last but not least, dental pulp disease (Endodontics)

The restorative dentistry includes:

  • Caries treatment
  • Completion of teeth, onlay, overlay, crowns
  • Endodontic treatment of dental canals
  • Treatment of tooth injuries (fractures, dislocation)

Tooth decay - the most common problem

It is an infectious disease of the oral cavity caused by the action of microorganisms and bacteria that attack hard dental tissues. Bacteria are predominantly found in increased amounts in the dental plaque that covers the tooth surface in case of poor oral hygiene. In uncleaned places this coating accumulates.

The coating bacteria release toxic substances that convert sugars into acids. These acids then disrupt the tooth surface and facilitate the penetration of bacteria into the tooth, resulting in tooth decay. This coating can also mineralize over time to form tartar.


Although preventive measures are generally known (careful dental hygiene, regular check-ups), they are still a widespread chronic disease in our country. Often the problems are late because the patient does not experience difficulties. Late treatment is demanding not only in time but also financially and the prognosis is always worse than with a healthy tooth. Therefore, do not neglect a preventive visit at least every six months.

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