Terms and conditions of ALFADENT clinic

These terms and conditions (hereinafter as “conditions”) regulate the contractual relationship between the healthcare provider and the patient – the client (receiver of health services).

The provider of healthcare: Alfadent Ltd., IČ: 497 09 135, hereinafter as “Alfadent” or “the provider”.

The terms “therapy”, “care”, “procedure”, or “treatment” are understood as providing of healthcare services under the Act regarding healthcare services no. 372/2011 Sb.

The term “doctor” is understood as the provider of healthcare acting for the provider in the position of a dentist and also in the position of a dental hygienist.

The term of “doctor´s office” is understood as the whole operating unit providing medical service and it especially consists of a dental setup (chair) with corresponding technological, diagnostic and treatment equipment, including the doctor, the assistant and assisting medical staff.

Obligations of Alfadent

  • Alfadent is commited to performing healthcare in the field of dental and oral medicine on the level of current modern medical knowledge, and in accordance with the best interests of the patient’s health and in accordance with valid guidelines and internal guidelines of Alfadent.
  • Alfadent is commited to managing administrative health records of the patient in accordance with valid regulations.
  • Alfadent treats the information saved in the records according to the privacy policy and other law regulations according to the GDPR European directive.
  • Before every medical procedure the patient will be informed by the doctor in a sufficient extent regarding their oral medical condition, the suggested treatment process (treatment plan) and the nature, consequences, and possible risks related to the given medical procedure. In the case that there are more possible options of treatment, Alfadent will familiarize the patient with the different options and their financial costs.
  • Alfadent is obliged to make appoitments with the patients at an agreed time so to minimize their waiting time.
  • Alfadent is obliged to comply all ethical principles of the doctor-patient relationship, to minimize stress and possible painfulness of provided care, and to communicate with the patient in such a way that the patient understands everything.
  • Alfadent is obliged to communicate properly (prior to the treatment) and consequently charge (following the treatment) for provided medical services.

Alfadent reserves the right to the option of denying or terminating a treatment if:

  • the patient does not abide by the suggested medical process.
  • the patient repeatedly commits an unjustified absence (does not apologize for absence)
  • the patient does not abide by the internal guidelines of the provider or the patient confines the rights of other patients.
  • the patient’s requests contradict the professional belief of the doctor
  • due to other legal reasons (working or capacity reasons)

Povinnosti pacienta

Pacient je povinen:

Obligations of the patient

The patient is obliged to:

  • hold to suggested treatment process
  • follow the internal guidelines of the provider
  • truthfully inform the doctor about their health condition and related matters
  • take care of their oral health in such that all preventable health risks can be avoided.
  • accept regular preventive checkups and preventive dental hygiene as a necessary part of the treatment process.
  • cooperate through the medical procedure and checkup of the treatment procedure progress
  • adhere to a high standard of personal dental hygiene.

The patient is obliged to hold to agreed dates of the individual medical treatments in accordance with the treatment plan, preventive checkups, and the dental hygienist’s procedure plan. The date recorded in the provider’s system is considered as the agreed upon date and the provider must inform the patient about this date – either verbally, by telephone, or email.

The provider reserves the right to change the dates and inform the patient (verbally, by telephone, or email) about such changes. The patient must realize that in the case of unexcused non-compliance of the agreed date (hereinafter “absence”) there is a loss for the provider in terms of a minute rate of the clinic.

In the case of absence (according to the previous paragraph) both parties in this appointment agree to a contractual fine. The contractual fine is given by a multiple of the minute rate of the clinic (as can be seen in the pricelist) and the planned duration of the treatment. The contractual fine is due on the day of absence and the provider has the right to charge the patient subsequently.

In the case of the first absence, 50% of the planned treatment price

In the case of the second absence, 100% of the planned treatment price

The patient acknowledges that the motivation behind this statement is not the charging contractual fines, but preventing unexcused absences and downtimes of costly medical devices. The patient’s absence can be excused in advance and the date can be rescheduled. The excuse in such a case must be given, at the latest, 24 hours in advance and by demonstrable means – in person at the Alfadent reception or via email to info@alfadent.cz or by SMS message to the following phone number 774 444 902.

Above-standard dentistry

Alfadent offers a wide range of procedures of above-standard dentistry focusing on quality, the most modern technology, and minimal-invasive (painless) procedures.

To enable a pain-free procedure the patient must agree to administration of local anesthetics chosen by the doctor according to the currect condition of the patient.

Even in the area of above-standard care, more variations of treatment are always available and the patient may choose from several options.

The patient is always informed about possible treatment options and their prices – even before receiving treatment.

However, the Alfadent clinic always provides excellent dentistry at regional prices additionally with using top-notch materials.


Alfadent has a 2-year warranty (from the moment of completion) for all fillings and prosthetic work (crowns, dental bridges).

The warranty does not apply to temporary work, endodontic treatment, or dental procedures in the means of services (dental hygiene, whitening, procedures on soft tissues, etc.).

Reasons for a full or partial warranty cancellation are:

  • neglecting oral hygiene,
  • not abiding doctor’s recommendations,
  • incorrect using of dentures,
  • untreated jaw joint dysfunction,
  • system illnesses influencing oral health condition (diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, cytostatic treatment, etc.),
  • injuries to the head or neck with possible teeth or jaw injuries.

The patient must file the complaint primarily with the provider, who in the terms of evidence of complaints, must discuss the matter and resolve it within the statutory time period.

Final provisions

The contract takes effect on the day of patient registration – the patient’s signature and expressed content on the registration form. The text outlining the terms is available for patients at the reception of the Alfadent registered head office, or on the webpage alfadent.cz